
Removal of Evil

By Rabbi Dr. Hillel ben David (Greg Killian)



Education. 2

Politicians. 3

Scientists. 4

Political Parties. 4

The Medical Establishment 4

Vaccines. 5

Hospitals. 5

Doctors. 6

Big Pharma. 6

Germ Theory. 6

Gender Affirming care. 6

The Book of Cures. 6

Insurance Companies. 7

Food Production. 8

Energy Production. 8

Mainstream Media. 8

Entertainment 8

Sports. 9

The Military. 9

The Justice System.. 9

Bathrooms for all genders. 9

Government Leaders. 9

Massive Homelessness. 9

Illegal Drugs. 9

Illegal Aliens. 9

UBI – Universal Basic Income. 9

Religion. 10

Divisions. 10

Theft 10

Retail Theft 12

2030 Target 12

2030 Agenda of the UN.. 12

Misc. 13

Contact 14


We now live in a nation where:

Doctors destroy health,

Hospitals destroy health,

Medications destroy health,

Pastors destroy God,

Churches destroy God,

Liberal Rabbis destroy God,

Lawyers destroy justice,

Judges destroy justice,

Judges destroy justice,

The Justice departments destroys justice,

Corporations destroy food,

Teachers destroy knowledge,

Universities destroy knowledge,

Colleges and schools destroy knowledge,

Judges destroy laws,

Politicians destroy laws,

District Attorneys destroy laws,

Politicians destroy freedom,

Governments destroy freedom,

Reporters destroy information,

the Press destroys information,

Trnsgenders and homosexuals destroy sex,

Mothers destroy their babies,

Planned Parenthood destroys babies,

Fathers destroy familes,

Doctors destroy babies,

Disney destroys children,

Illegal aliens detroy countries,

Green energy destroys nature,

Voting machines destroy elections,

Mail-in Ballots destroy elections,

Election Staff destroy elections,

The Federal Reserve destroy the economy,

and banks destroy the economy.


Either HaShem is asleep, or HaShem is performing miracles in front of our eyes. HaShem is eliminating police, doctors, pharmacists, politicians, scientists, insurance companies, mass media, the military, sports, religions, and many other istitutions and occupations. It is almost as though He is building a new world order where all evil is going to be eliminates, which will obviate the need for all these various occupations. We know that eliminating these institutions will lead to great chaos and much evil, yet the end result will be a return to the garden of Eden before the sin.


In the five years since 2019, some really bad and really stupid ideas have been inflicted upon America and the world. The idea of locking down the population for eighteen months. The idea of allowing designated demographics to riot, commit arson and to plunder major cities for days on end while at the same time banning church gatherings... There are many others; pick your favorites. The point is that they all share two features: All will be mocked and denigrated by future generations as the dumbest and most moronic prescriptions of the 2020s; and all were thought up by people who work chiefly with ideas...


“When a person feels that much has been destroyed in their spiritual world, they should know that the time has arrived to build something new This building will be something greater, more exalted, steady and beautiful than what used to exist.”


“One should strengthen themselves and have courage in the act of fixing their actions and their ways. One should do this in a balanced way, with a courageous heart, a pure desire, and with a heart filled with strength & inner joy.” - Rabbi Kook


Bereshit (Genesis) 6:5-6 And HaShem saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And it repented HaShem that He had made man on the earth, and it saddened Him at His heart.


As history winds down to its conclusion, the Bne Israel have begun to take their place in the tikkun,[1] in the correction of the world. This means that sin and its effects must be eliminated and the world be brought to perfection.


The goal of the tikkun is to restore the world to what it was in the beginning.


Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) 1:9 That which hath been is that which shall be, and that which hath been done is that which shall be done; and there is nothing new under the sun.


Tikkun involves eliminating the institutions which are broken. This produces a painful, chaotic situation, which is followed by new institutions which are based on Torah and love of HaShem.


We are really in a messianic process. God has pressed the restart button. But instead of the restart destroying civilization, the restart is to change civilization into the era of the Messiah, of the Mashiach. And that, really, is what is happening. Evil institutions are being demolished and those who perpetrate evil within these organizations are being exposed and eliminated. While this is going on, new institutions are arising and taking over the proper functions with righteous people who are interested in bringing the corrections that the world so desperately needs.


When Mashiach comes, we will see how everything we went through in this exile directly made the world ready for Mashiach.[2]


The technology of today is very impressive. However, the moral depravity is also exceedingly great. Immense scientific achievement and deep cultural retrogression and immorality, is actually nothing new in human history. The antediluvian people, the tower of Babel people, ancient Egypt, ancient Babylon, Rome, and nearly every other advanced civilization was at the very height of their technological power, when they were at their lowest point in moral; and ethical standards. We seem to following a very staid pattern in history.


It is noteworthy that it is governmental institutions that are encouraging and fomenting much of the moral degradation. Whether it is the UN, the USA, or the puppet masters behind these institutions, they are bringing us towards a world of total depravity. The encouragement we have is that HaShem is the ultimate Puppet Master and is bringing the world to His conclusion through His sock puppets.


I am going to mention the evil institutions, peoples, and processes which are being torn down. Then I will be speaking about the institutions that are arising as the replacements for evil. Most of the replacing institutions are those that HaShem started in the beginning. For example, public schools are going to be replaced by home schools and religious schools. Ultimately, Jewish schools and the beit midrashim will be the only religious schools.


Finally, you will notice that very often the ruling authorities are behind the demise of these institutions.


Scott Adams observed the following:


It's a systems problem. The introduction of Trump into the system(s) broke almost everything, and in multiple ways.


The fake news created a White Supremacist hysteria, which led to the Fine People Hoax and the George Floyd Hoax, which led to massive DEI, which led to massive systemic incompetence in all of our systems at once.


Add wokeness and cancelation and we can't discuss the issue, much less fix it. That's a system problem. The corrective mechanism (free speech) has been removed.


On top of that, the Trump experience has made it clear all of our government systems are corrupt. They probably always were, but as long as we didn't notice, things limped along okay.


Now we notice.


Now we don't accept "the science" we know is corrupt. We don't accept the omnibus bills we know are corrupt. We don't accept the foreign wars that look sketchy. We don't accept elections we can't fully audit. We don't trust the news, for good reason. We don't trust our intel services to not be agents of one party. And we see the justice departments weaponized.





The anti-god education system is falling into disrepute. They are teaching nonsense and are charging exorbitant amounts to NOT educate students. God has been exiled from our schools and indoctrination has replaced critical thinking skills.


Colleges and universities across the country are evading a recent Supreme Court ruling that struck down the use of racially discriminatory admissions policies in higher education. At the same time, the schools are backing away from standardized testing in order to admit academically unqualified minority applicants. The ruling “sees the universities’ admissions policies for what they are: rudderless, race-based preferences designed to ensure a particular racial mix in their entering classes”. Western Oregon University has found a way to keep students from failing.  D- and F grades will no longer be earned by anyone because they are being abolished.


They are now giving ‘participation’ trophies and passing students who have not mastered the material. Students are graduated who have not been educated and are woefully naïve. Teachers unions are sanctioning evil and no longer work to properly educate their students.


Schools are teaching debauchery and abhorrent sexual behavior. They are being anti-God in order to denigrate God. ‘Common core’ standards have furthered scholastic decline and have stolen good teachers from the system.


Teacher unions and local goverments are primarily responsible for the poor curriculum and teachers. Teachers have been indoctrinated by the liberal colleges that they attended. The teachers have become political activists that are hell bent on teaching debauchery and nonsense to their students. Schools are emphasising testing over teaching students how to think and how to do research.


We now have a homelessness problem that is so pervasive that our leaders are closing schools to education in order to open them up as shelters for illegal aliens.


Parents ultimately are to blame for their hands off approach to their children’s education. This has been fostered by a society that shames mothers into working full time and is corroborated by a government which takes and controls things so tightly that most families have no choice but to send mothers to work.


Homeschooling and religious training are becoming popular in order to take back the proper education of our children. We are also seeing the rise of religious education which is bringing God back into education and teaching students how to be a mensch.[3]


A yeshiva[4] is completely different from all the schools we have hated. Both teachers and students are deeply involved in learning; they have no doubt that what they are doing is important. Universities were dead; a yeshiva is alive. 


Ultimately, we need to return to family centered learning where parents mentor their children to incorporate HaShem into every aspect of their lives; to return to Gan Eden.


Vaccines for Children


Since the Wuhan flu vaccine came out; and since it have been proven that vaccines have caused autism, more and more parents are not vaccinating their children. This poses a problem as the GICs[5] attempt to force children to receive many vaccines. Many parents are realizing that vaccines pose a severe threat to the health of their children. Since GICs will suspend any student without many vaccinations, parents have no choice but to home school their children.


This is not just a USA issue. It affects Canada and other nations as well. In the end, vaccinations will go away and GICs will lose students to home schools.





Election staff, and officials have been corrupted to the point where double, or triple, counting ballots is not unusual.

Mail-in ballots are used by corruptef people to stuff the ballot boxes with illicit and fake ballots.


Dead people vote. Folks from other states vote in a different state.



Government Leaders


We are now at such a low point of history that we have law enforcement being told to ‘stand-down’ and not arrest shop-lifters and to just allow criminals to steal whatever they wish.


Our president is now openly defying the courts to force doctors and nurses to perform abortions in the operating room as an emergency procedure.





The democrat party is encouraging incompetence in government, in education, in medicine, in nearly every human endeavor. When their leaders are ungodly, immoral, incompetent, and hell bent to lie, cheat and steal… then we know that they are nearing their end. Now that they are sanctioning and legalizing LGBTQ+ and same-sex marriages we can be sure that their end is near. When politicians weaponize the spy agencies, the FBI, the justice system, and the tax system to punish their competitors, then we all begin to see the evil. When these politicians no longer try to hide their evil deeds, then we know that their demise is just around the corner.


The republican party is no better. When they are complicit in the evil doings and fail to stand up for their constituents, then we know that they too need to be eliminated. Failure to fight the evil is just as bad, or worse, than doing the evil directly.


The evil men of this world are moving us towards a one-world government in which evil controls all of the resources and kills and abuses all the people who do not serve them. They are manipulating the world’s resources to ensure their wealth and to control the people as their slaves. This one-world system will be coopted by Mashiach and will be turned from evil and will become God’s system on earth.


Ultimately, we need to move towards a world-wide Theocracy where Mashiach rules and carries a Torah scroll which he has written. We need a king like King David who has the wisdom of King Solomon. When this mighty king appoints counselors who carry out the king’s desires, then we will have a political system which will stand up for the people; then we will have a Godly population of people of integrity. Then we will have a return to Gan Eden where we can walk with HaShem in the garden.


* * *


In our upside-down world our government cash and support to the terrorist regime in Iran, to the tune of billions of dollars. At the same time we fight Iran supported proxies throughout the middle east. These billions of dollars are used to build nuclear bombs which are aimed at Israel and the United States.


Ultimatelly, it appears that HaShem is leading our leaders in destroying our country. The end goal appears to be the destruction of national sovereignty and the rise of a one world government. The puppet masters do not realize that HaShem, the Ultimate Puppet Master, is also pulling the strings of these globalists. With the destruction of national sovereignty comes the opportunity for a new world order presided over by Mashiach, much to the surprise of the globalists.


Politicians make laws which legalize shoplifting. The theft becomes so great that the stores leave those jurisdictions in order to remain in business.





Bureaucracies cannot fix important problems, if they fix important problems, they would not be necessary. If they pretend to fix problems that they caused, their existence appears necessary. They cannot afford anyone mentioning that they are the cause of all problems.


Bureaucrats make regulations which strangle businesses and individuals with crazy paperwork and meaningless extra work.





Many scientists have been corrupted by fame and fortune.


We have climate scientists who spout the political narrative and thereby receive government grants and get published in all the scientific journals. Those scientists who disagree with the political narrative are consigned to poverty and infamy.


We have geologic scientists who insist that all our so-called ‘fossil fuels’ came from ancient plants and animals. These scientists are unable to explain how we have ‘fossil fuels’ on Titan, the largest moon of Saturn. The political narrative is that the ‘fossil fuels’ are in short supply and are running out. The scientists who dispute this narrative and ask inconvenient questions about methane on Titan are shut down and consigned to infamy.



Political Parties


As the Democrats and Republicans continue to ignore criminal politicians and to penalize honest politicians, we will soon see their demise.


It is obvious to most that we have a ‘uniparty’ political system where there is virtually no difference between democrats and republicans. Both parties support issues that hurt citizens and compromise law and order. Neither party stands up to correct injustice and to pass laws that benefit the citizens. They ‘all’ seem to chase money and seem to lack integrity. Doner money causes politicians to seek laws and regulations which benefit their doners, at the expense of their constituents.


Politicians are generally not Godly men. They lack integrity and have no compassion for their constituents. Until politicians of a fear of Heaven there can be to justice. Without justice the whole system is doomed.


What was God’s system for political rule? God’s system saw His candidate ruling according to Torah law. God would appoint a Godly man for leadership and the people would recognize the integrity and the attachment to God of this leader. The people would accept his rule and would rejoice and thank God because justice would prevail. This system would only work if the people also had a fear of Heaven, if the people also were Torah observant.



The Medical Establishment


The medical establishment which is built on providing treatments based on oil-based drugs has beclowned itself with the sanctioning and distribution of the Wuhan flu vaccine. This drug is killing people by the millions and does nothing to stop the Wuhan flu. In addition, doctors no longer wish to heal; their goal is to make money for the doctors and the institutions they serve. Increasingly, the drugs barely relieve symptoms and do nothing to cure; and have so many side effects that kill and maim. The end goal is to make patients who will provide a continuous stream of money. Healing people is not part of their plan.


Corporate medicine and insurance companies have turned “health care’ into a murder machine. 


Protocols are replacing independent scientific judgment.  The protocols are established by articles written with Big Pharma research grants and distributed through prestigious medical journals such  as The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine.  In American medicine, which is increasingly corporate, doctors are employees, not independent practitioners, and have no alternative to following protocols.  In this way, medical decisions are controlled for the purpose of the agenda. As FDA, CDC, and NIH have “revolving door” relationships and patent-sharing relationships with Big Pharma, the regulatory agencies are part of the protocol enforcement police.[6]





Torah law says that if a seller has no liability, this means that you are not trustworthy or reliable. Vaccine makers have been indemnified agains liability. This means, by definition, that their product is unreliable and their makers are NOT trustworthy.[7] However, even this medication or vaccination would presumably be allowed in a matter of life and death, pikuach nefesh.


Vaccines are NOT tested against placebos, but are tested against other vaccines. If the first vaccine only killed 10,000 people and the new vaccine only killed 9,000 people, then the new vaccine must be safe. Such twisted, malevolent logic is not improving our health.


Big pharma advertising on media companies allow big pharma to prevent the publication of adverse events, side effects, and contraindicators.


In Texas, 18 (19 in California) vaccinations, at various ages, are required to attend school.


The Wuhan  flu vaccine has been tested for a very short period of time, a few weeks, not years, so who knows what the long term side effects are. Additionally, no one takes liability for it. If it's safe why aren't the companies willing to take liability?!? Furthermore, there is no reason why young people should be vaccinated. Those who argue that young people need to take it in order they should not give the virus to the elderly, there is no scientific evidence that one who has been vaccinated cannot carry the virus.[8]


The vaccine companies have no liability. The companies are corrupt and they have been involved in lawsuits in the past. Johnson and Johnson are paying out cancer fees related to their product thats put on topically- I should allow it to enter my body via an injection, in which it will be 100% absorbed? 3. The whole point of the vaccine is to get antibodies. If you had COVID, you are still encouraged to get the vaccine? What's the point?


Jewish law forbids one to harm himself. This prohibition is called "chovel b'atzmo."


For a discussion on the liability of the physician and the government for damages incurred during vaccination, see Yigal Shafran, “Halakhic Attitudes Toward Immunization,” Tradition 26:1 (Fall 1991): 4-13.


Studies have shown that vaccines are causing an alarming increase in autism and big pharma then produces a corrupt study to debunk the legitimate study.





Hospitals have become money factories where the corporate medical establishment has set protocols which are designed to maximize profit. Tests of little or no value to the patient are constantly being performed for the sake of money. For example, a person with a heart problem gets no benefit from being weighed every day. After all, when he goes home he does not weigh himself every day. The final proof of medical kidnapping is that patients are not allowed to leave whenever they want to. The hospital will say that you must have some unknown doctor’s signoff otherwise they will make sure that your insurance will not pay for the hospital stay.


Hospitals are turning away patients who refuse to deny science regarding men and women. If you say that men cannot have babies, then you are ‘denying’ their science and you will NOT get the care you need. How crazy is that?





Pharmacists are refusing to fill doctor’s orders for ivermectin and hydrocycloroquin believing that they know better that the doctors.





Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia are acts that explicitly and overtly involve physicians in determining the mode and time of their patients' deaths. This is the very opposite of what doctors are supposed to do according to the Hippocratic oath. The Hippocratic Oath includes a stern injunction: "I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect". 


Yet, this has become the norm in several countries, such as Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Canada, and Spain. Physician Assisted Suicide is legalized in Germany, Switzerland and few US states like Oregon, California, Washington, and District of Columbia. Chas v'shalem!


Doctors no longer work to heal their patients. They now work for the hospitals or insurance companies which pay their salary. Essentially, they have taken a bribe which blinds their eyes to the needs of their patients. They now have ‘protocols’ that they must follow in order to get paid. These protocols very much favor the insurance companies who are trying to minimize costs rather than caring for patients.



Big Pharma


Big Pharma is getting more aggressive with its tactics to gain control. Why? Because it’s threatened by the increasing number of people who are becoming more aware of their ploys. Not everyone trusts their doctors quite like they did before. COVID led to the collapse of the medical mirage, so people have questions. And people want answers. We are prodding the narrative: What exactly are its intentions with our children? What is going on with the number of vaccines? What is going on with pharmaceutical care? Big Pharma is answering by passing legislation as to whether you should — or should not — have access to your children’s medical records, decisions, and medicines. CarolinaCARE is the first of what I’m sure will be many instances to come of medical professionals deeming children as adults so parents lose access to their children’s medical records.


Pharmaceutical companies advertise with media companies in order to control what information those media companies will share on their outlet. If the media company says negative things about pharmaceuticals, then they will lose their revenue from big pharma. In this way the public will not learn about side-effects, contraindications, and long term problems with various drugs. We need to eliminate big pharma advertising.


Vaccines are now rushed to market without carefull testing, and what testing they do often corrupts the results so that dangerous drugs end up on the market.


Big pharma is now advocating that people take a drug called Ozempic instead of using diet and exercise to control your weight. This drug is an injection that must be taken for the rest of your life.


A month after adolescent approval, the influential American Academy of Pediatrics recommended weight-loss drugs be offered to children with obesity starting at age 12. In a decent society, the American Academy of Pediatrics would be designated a criminal enterprise, if not a biomedical terrorist organization, and its ringleaders prosecuted with vigor.


This horrible drug has the following side effects: Nausea




Stomach pain



Allergic reaction



Rapid heartbeat


Vision changes

Thyroid cancer

Difficulty swallowing


Acute gallbladder disease



Injection site reactions

Kidney failure


Loss of appetite



“Ozempic face” is a term for common side effects of Ozempic. It can cause sagging and aging of facial skin. A doctor may recommend lifestyle modifications or facial fillers to treat skin and facial side effects.


No wonder people lose weight while taking this horrible drug.





Copyright law literally censors speech and the press, distorts culture, and threatens freedom on the Internet, while patent law distorts and impedes innovation and thus human wealth and prosperity. Patent law is essentially protectionist: it protects some inventors from competition for about 17 years. This blocks others from innovating and improving, and it also reduces the need for the original inventor to keep innovating. Innovation and consumer choice is reduced and prices are higher, under a patent system.


In addition to these utilitarian or consequentialist considerations, patent and copyright are essentially unjust since they prevent others from using their own property as they see fit. Copyright prevents people from printing certain books, for example, in clear violation of the First Amendment. Patent law prevents people from using their factories and raw materials to make certain widgets, in violation of their natural property rights.


Defenders of the patent system essentially believe that in a purely free market, there is “market failure,” and that state interventions can fix this failure. In short, that there would be an “underproduction” of inventions because it is just “too easy” for competitors to copy or imitate successful new products, like the iPhone, making it impossible for the first inventor to ever “recoup his costs.”


Without the patent monopoly allowing the first inventor to stop competitors and thus charge monopoly prices for a decade or two, he won’t be able to “recoup his costs” and thus he won’t bother inventing in the first place. Society would thus be poorer in a pure free market since it fails and needs state intervention to get it closer to the optimal or ideal utopian state of optimal innovation. Anyone who believes that the government can identify real market failures and improve on the market has never seriously studied the way the government works.


In any case, this is the common narrative given in defense of the patent system. But in the 230 years since we have had modern patent law, no one has been able to prove this contention. They have never shown that the patent system stimulates innovation, or that any net innovation stimulated is worth the cost of the system. In fact, studies indicate otherwise: that, as common sense would suggest, patents distort and slow down innovation. As economist Fritz Machlup concluded, in an exhaustive 1958 study prepared for the US Senate Subcommittee On Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights:


No economist, on the basis of present knowledge, could possibly state with certainty that the patent system, as it now operates, confers a net benefit or a net loss upon society. The best he can do is to state assumptions and make guesses about the extent to which reality corresponds to these assumptions…If we did not have a patent system, it would be irresponsible, on the basis of our present knowledge of its economic consequences, to recommend instituting one.


In a more recent paper, economists Michele Boldrin and David Levine conclude that “The case against patents can be summarized briefly: there is no empirical evidence that they serve to increase innovation and productivity…there is strong evidence, instead, that patents have many negative consequences.” Other studies in fact indicate that the patent system imposes annually hundreds of billions of dollars of costs on the US economy alone, or more, from the lost and distorted innovation, higher prices resulting from reduced competition and huge payments made to attorneys in lawsuits and so on.


Now let’s turn to Big Pharma and pharmaceutical patents. Even among those who have grown increasingly skeptical of the patent system, it is very common for someone to trot out the pharmaceutical argument. They say that even if we should abolish or scale back most patents, the case for pharmaceuticals is different, it is unique, it is the best case for patents. Why? Because of the extremely high costs of developing new drugs and because of how allegedly easy it would be for competitors to simply copy the formula and make a competing generic. In other words, the argument essentially is: Okay, get rid of the patent system, except for pharmaceuticals, the most important case in favor of patents.


This argument is understandable, but it’s wrong. If anything, the case against pharmaceutical patents is even stronger than the case against other types of patents (say, on electronics, mechanical devices, medical devices, chemicals, and so on). The problem is that it’s difficult for most people to see this clearly because of the confusing and arcane way the patent system has been folded into a heavily distorted healthcare market and other state regulations, policies, and systems.


Let’s try to unpack some of this. First, it is true that costs of coming up with a new drug are high because of the FDA approval process. But if this is the case, why not address the problem by abolishing or reducing the FDA? That is, instead of giving the drug companies a patent monopoly to allow them to charge monopoly prices to recoup the FDA-imposed costs, why not reduce the costs directly by attacking the real problem: the FDA? Second, contrary to propaganda of the patent proponents, it is in fact not so easy to set up a factory and production process to emulate someone else’s drug. It takes lots of know-how and resources. Without the FDA regulatory process, and without a patent system, the “first mover” who invents a new drug would have a natural advantage for many years before competitors would be able to sell a substitute product. Why couldn’t they “recoup their costs” in an unhampered free market?


We now have a system of healthcare, innovation, R&D, and so on, completely dominated by state policies and systems such as patents, subsidies, a hybrid socialist healthcare system, and other laws, plus the unholy alliance or revolving door between industry and Big Pharma and other sectors and the state. This muddies the entire case, which is of course in the interest of the state and its cronies. The average person is naturally in favor of innovation and free markets and property rights. So when the state says innovation is good! Property rights, including intellectual property rights, are good!, the normal person shrugs and puts up with the consequences of this system—reduced innovation, reduced consumer choice, reduced prosperity, and higher prices.


But consider the factors that are in play here. First, as noted above, we have the FDA imposing drastic costs to developers of new pharmaceuticals. At the same time, it grants 17-year patent monopolies to these same companies to allow them to charge monopoly prices. And it sometimes in effect extends this monopoly by years, by having the FDA refuse to authorize generics for some period of time—even after the patent has expired. Thus, the FDA acts as a sort of secondary type of patent grant that protects Big Pharma players from competition. This raises prices and distorts innovation. It leads some even free market advocates to oppose free trade, as noted above.


Second, because doctors are naturally concerned about liability, and also because our hybrid/partially socialized healthcare system is run by insurance companies, patients must have permission of a doctor to take the drug they want, via the prescription/pharmacy process, and also, doctors have an incentive to simply recommend what the establishment tells them to recommend. This way they avoid liability and, after all, their patients usually don’t pay the full cost—insurance companies do. (Not to mention that many patients are on Medicare or Medicaid and thus essentially “insured” by the taxpayer.)


And consider the case of the Covid vaccines. They were developed based on technology that came from taxpayer subsidized research, such as mRNA research. And yet private companies are still able to get a patent to charge monopoly prices for their incremental “innovations,” even though it’s based on taxpayer-subsidized research. And then, because of the 1980 Bayh-Dole Act, government scientists—whose salaries are already paid by the taxpayer—can get a cut of the patent royalties charged by the “private” Big Pharma companies, from patents granted by their employer, the Federal Government. And on top of this, now the pharma companies charge inflated prices for these vaccines—since they can outlaw competition, thanks to their state-granted patents—and then the taxpayers pay for this too. (Who reading this knows anyone who paid a cent for their Covid vaccine shots? Someone paid for it!)


And by the way, the Covid vaccines were approved on an emergency authorization on some fast track process; so what billions of dollars of regulatory costs were there in this case that needed the patent system to be “recouped?” And not to mention: on top of all this, the Federal Government partially exempted vaccine manufacturers from normal tort liability, under the PREP Act of 2005. Even though the federal government has no constitutionally authorized authority to regulate state tort law.


The alliance between Big Pharma and the FDA and Federal Government mentioned above is real. As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. writes in The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (from the Introduction (citations omitted):


From the moment of my reluctant entrance into the vaccine debate in 2005, I was astonished to realize that the pervasive web of deep financial entanglements between Pharma and the government health agencies had put regulatory capture on steroids. The CDC, for example, owns 57 vaccine patents and spends $4.9 of its $12.0 billion-dollar annual budget (as of 2019) buying and distributing vaccines. NIH owns hundreds of vaccine patents and often profits from the sale of products it supposedly regulates. High level officials, including Dr. Fauci, receive yearly emoluments of up to $150,000 in royalty payments on products that they help develop and then usher through the approval process. The FDA receives 45 percent of its budget from the pharmaceutical industry, through what are euphemistically called “user fees.”


Or as he writes in Chapter 7: “The 1980 Bayh–Dole Act allowed NIAID—and Dr. Fauci personally—to file patents on the hundreds of new drugs that his agency-funded PIs [principal investigators] were incubating, and then to license those drugs to pharmaceutical companies and collect royalties on their sales.”


So: don’t say we need patents because costs are high. Repeal the FDA. Don’t support patents that raise the price of vaccines, just because the price is paid by tax dollars going to R&D or to Moderna et al. to pay them for their patent-monopoly-price inflated vaccines. And so on.

One of the worst consequences of this unholy alliance is that almost no one in the public really understands any of this and thinks this is all science, innovation, property rights, “capitalism,” and the free market in action! The solution to our current situation is obvious, though a bitter pill for many to swallow:

All these illiberal policies combine to result in the Frankenstein’s Monster of pharmaceutical and vaccine policies we suffer from now. The only way to escape is to radically reevaluate existing institutions and laws.[9]



Germ Theory


Why is the germ theory still a theory?


Yes, germ theory remains a theory, much as the theory of evolution remains a theory, because it lacks sufficient evidence needed to make it a fact.



Gender Affirming care


Insurance companies are now saying that a three year-old child can now tell their doctor that they are not the gender they were worn with. They can have the doctors cut off and mutilate their sexual organs in order ‘change’ someone’s gender. In the process render them infertile and make them want to kill themselves. They can do this without the parents permission and even against active parental disagreement. What is more, our corrupt justice system is now actively involved in making it happen and penalizing parents who try to prevent this mutilation.



The Book of Cures


תשב״ץ writes that this book of cures was written by one of the sons of Noach. He reports that while still aboard the ark, during the flood, they were accompanied by many evil spirits and demons who caused many of the passengers, both human and animal, to become sick. Finally, an angel arrived and took one of the sons of Noach to Gan Eden, where he taught him all the remedies and cures in the world.


Rabbenu Bachya[10] writes that this book of cures was revealed to Moshe Rabbenu. It is with the knowledge of the plants and herbs that Moshe was able to find the tree needed to toss into the bitter waters of Marah in order to sweeten them.


Genesis Rabbah 65:9 Rabbi Levi said: Hezekiah mused, `It isn't good for people to enjoy constant good health until the day they die. This way they'll never think of repentance. But if they fall sick and then recover, they'll come to repent their sins.' God said to Hezekiah, `This is a good idea. And I'll start with you!'


In past times, medicine was found in our plants and food. We had a book of cures which told us exactly which plant part was the cure for every ailment. These plants were hard to find and hard to use because we had lost the knowledge. This had a tendency to cause us to cry out to HaShem for our healing.


Rashi[11] says that the Book of Cures listed the remedies for all illnesses. Chizkiyahu hid it in order to force the Jews to rely solely on HaShem for their healing and to pray for mercy from Him, and not to rely on the Book of Cures.


Chizkiyahu concealed this book that contained healing remedies,[12] because people would no longer be submissive when they became ill, as following the instructions in this book would bring them an instant cure. Chizkiyahu[13] hid this book of cures[14] when it became normal for people to ignore their sins and to avoid repentance. They merely relied on the book of cures. This fantastic book was designed to supplement our repentance, not eliminate our repentance.


Rashi emphasizes here that when people healed themselves with the Book of Cures, "their hearts did not become humble from their illness", because they were able to heal themselves immediately and did not need to feel submissive to HaShem. After the Book of Cures was hidden, the people were unable to heal themselves immediately but were forced to go to a doctor. The need to rely on someone else humbles a person.


In the beginning God’s plan was that there should be no sickness or death. His plan was that the righteous should live forever. Alas, our sin destroyed that perfect world. This substitute world was designed to help us return to HaShem by allowing sickness and death. It was designed to have us beseech HaShem for healing.


I suspect as our world begins to return to HaShem, when we see the massive plague destined to come because of our sins, that the book of cures will be found and we will begin our return to Gan Eden. After all, why hide this book if not so that it could be found in the future?



Abortion Mills


Planned Parenthood does not help people to have families, they help people to NOT have families. Their primary business is abortion.


Goverments are sponsoring legislation which allows an abortion up to the moment of birth. Some go so far as to permit the murder of a child after they are born. This evil incarnate!


Groups like the NAACP identify “abortion access” as “a racial justice issue”. In the United States, the abortion rate for black women is almost five times that for white women. A black advocasy group that advocates for killing the ones they supposedly supprt, how evil is that!



Insurance Companies


Medical insurance companies have become third-party payers. This means that doctors, hospitals, and clinics no longer work for their patients. These entities now work for the insurance companies. Medical practitioners need to meet the insurance companies rules in order to get paid. No matter what you need in terms of care, you will not get it if the insurance company nixes it. This is criminal!


In the good ol’ days, the doctors and the hospitals never had to deal with the insurance companies. They only had to deal with their patients. They could always do exactly what was best for their patients. The patient would then submit the bill to the insurance company and get reimbursed for your expenses.


Once you realize that doctors, phamacists, hospitals, and nurses are are more concerned with getting a paycheck than with healing patients, then you will realize how evil insurance companies are as they bribe the medical establishment.


Of course, ultimately there will be no need for doctors and hospitals because we will no longer get sick.



The UN


The UN is an organization dedicated to globalism and to the destruction of nations in order that they have power over the people.


The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) was established as a subsidiary organ of the United Nations General Assembly on 8 December 1949 and became operational on 1 May 1950. It is one of the largest United Nations programmes. This organization caters exclusively to Palestinians and supports every aspect of the Palestian’s murderous agenda. They provide everything a terrorists needs in order to escape punishment for their murderous deeds.


The WHO[15] supposedly advocates for medicines and doctors that are ‘supposed’ to improve health outcomes. In reality, this organization is a vehicl used by globalists to take over the world. The WHO pushes very dangerous vaccines and does everything in their power to encourage death through the medical establishment.



Food Production


Money now determines how food is produced and distributed. Instead of growing food to nourish folks, farmers are now growing food to make money even at the expense of the health of those it feeds. The use of weed killers, insect killers, genetically modified and hybrid seeds are all used to make more money and no one cares whether it is killing or maiming the ones being fed.


We have a very bad, incestuous relationship when we have pharma compaines also owning food companies. This allows pharma to make money to make us sick, then the make mone to cure us.


It is amazing how many food aditives are prohibited in Europe, because they are dangerous to our health, and yet they are permitted in America.


In the antediluvian world, a farmer would plant once and harvest for 40 years. There was an abundance of produce that could be eaten without resorting to chemicals, such was the fecundity of the soil, climate, and plants. However, this remarkable abundance if dwarfed by the productivity of the Garden of Eden.


In Gan Eden the plants were planted by HaShem, watered by HaShem, and fertilized by HaShem. Adam could study Torah and commune with HaShem without having to toil for his food. Adam never had to plant, cultivate, or work for his food. This is the ideal that we will return to when we have performed the tikkun for this world.



Energy Production


Cheap plentiful carbon based fuels (oil, gas, coal, etc.) are being replaced with wind and solar energy. Wind and solar are not dependable because the wind stops and clouds cover the sun. Nevertheless we still need to cook, heat and cool or homes and we need electricity to light our homes. This lack of electricity can kill many vulnerable people.


HaShem made an abundance of carbon based fuels and gave us the understanding on how to use these fuels in our broken world. He intended that we would use these fuels to produce an abundance of food, comfortable and healthy homes, cheap medicines, and inexpensive clothes and homes. When politicians deprive us of abundant fuels, they condemn us to miserable short lives.


HaShem’s original plan was that we would never need to cook our food. We had perfect weather year-round so we would not need to heat or cool ourselves. Thus, we would have no need to generate electricity.



Mainstream Media


Mainstream news sources have lied and deceived people to such an extent that they are no longer considered news by intelligent people. For example, All the lamesteam media covered the Trump impeachment, while none carried any news on the Biden impeachment.





Various entertainment sources are gradually disappearing because of exorbitant pricing and producing programming that is immoral, sickening, and no longer entertains. The use of ‘woke’ programs have turned off so many Godly people that they are no longer profitable. Places like Disneyland that used to provide family entertainment, now produce only woke nonsense that no one wishes to be subjected to, and especially not for sky-high entrance costs.


Woke movies are causing attendance to drop by half. Wholesome movies have given way to nudity, homosexuality, and tranny nonsense. YTD Box Office down Nearly 50% from Pre-Pandemic Levels





Sports have become so woke and so plagued by the LGBTQ+ crazy people that folks no longer wish to compete. Have males compete in female sports is crushing the desire to train for an unwinnable event. The cancelling of players who speak against the prevailing narratives are just crushing their spirits.



The Military


The US military no longer focuses on winning wars or in providing justice. We now depose people we don’t like by assassinating them with drones or highly trained squads. We now fight endless wars for the sake of making money for the military industrial complex. We hire woke leaders and use transgender and other defective people as leaders for our military. Further, the leaders no longer have integrity and instead will do whatever immoral thing that is asked of them including lying, cheating, stealing, and murder. Consequently, recruiting is way down and folks no longer see the military as a viable career.


The U.S. Navy is having a really difficult time recruiting young people, and so they have decided that a radical new approach is needed.  From now on, a high school diploma will no longer be necessary.


Eventually, armies and navies will no longer be required because the Mashiach does not need such weapons.



The Justice System


Our justice system no longer provides justice. Instead, the system is used to destroy Godly people who oppose the immorality of our governing officials. The relentless use of lawfare to financial crush their critics has become so obvious that the people are crying out to HaShem because of their oppression.


It is now possible for a squatter to take over a home and live there rent-free a year or more before they get evicted.


The wicked cities or states now make emminent domain laws to destroy homes to make way for corrupt businessmen to take property for their own profit.


The President make edicts, AKA executive orders, that destroy the prosperity of businesses and individuals.



Law Enforcement


A group of migrants that was caught on camera physically attacking cops in Times Square was shocking released without even having to post bail.


From this point forward, every police officer in El Paso, Texas will be forced to ask for the preferred pronouns of every person that they encounter.


Various municipalities have been “defunding the police’ for the last several years. Wile some have subsequently ‘refunded the police’, its seems as though HaShem has a plan to eliminate all police. This will be a great idea when HjaShem ewmoves evil from our world and we no longer need police.





The Torah is quite clear that HaShem has commanded that those who love Him should not steal.


Vayikra (Leviticus) 19:11  Ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie one to another.


Never the less, theft in our day is rampant. Our day has become just like Noach’s day. In Noach’s day, theft is the crime that is referred to as “violence” in the following passage.


Bereshit (Genesis) 6:13 And God said unto Noach: ‘The end of all flesh is come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.


Sanhedrin 108a And God said unto Noah, the end of all flesh is come before me.[16] R. Johanan said: Come and see how great is the power of robbery. for lo, though the generation of the flood transgressed all laws, their decree of punishment was sealed only because they stretched out their hands to rob, as it is written, for the earth is filled with violence through them, and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.[17] And it is ‘also written, Violence [i.e., robbery] is risen up into a rod of wickedness: none of them shall remain, nor of their multitude, nor any of theirs: neither shall there be wailing for them.[18] R. Eleazar said: This teaches that it [violence personified] erected itself like a staff, stood before the Holy One, blessed be He, and said: ‘Sovereign of the Universe! [There is no good in aught] of them, or aught of their multitude, or of theirs; neither shall there be wailing for them.’ The School of R. Ishmael taught: The doom [of destruction] was decreed against Noah too, but that he found favour in the eyes of God, as it is written, It repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.[19]


Theft was the final straw that caused HaShem to destroy the world with water in Noach’s day.


Rashi explains that the generation of the Flood was guilty of three crimes. The people had adopted idol worship. They had abandoned all parameters of proper sexual conduct and even incestuous relationships were common (sexual sins). Finally, theft accomplished by force and violence was common.[20] Rashi further notes that the judgment of the generation was sealed because of the crime of violent theft.


Goverments, around the world, are stealing tiny amounts, everyday, from their citizens which is FORCED via inflation. This theft is compounded by banks and businesses which fail to keep wages and the price of good consistent with the inflation. Instead, they delay pay raises and interest rates as long as they can get away with it.


Inflation is the process of transferring wealth, or purchasing power, by increasing the supply of currency. As new dollars are put into circulation, the previous dollars become less valuable because a portion of their value is transferred to the newly created dollars when they enter circulation. So, every time the Federal Reserve prints a few trillion dollars, the dollars in our pay checks, in our social security checks, our savings accounts, our pensions and 401k's become less valuable; they have less purchasing power because a portion of their value is transferred to the newly created dollars which are then placed in the hands of other people.


Based upon numbers supplied by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury department, since the financial crisis of 2008, the number of dollars in circulation has grown from 4 trillion to more than 17 trillion. This is over 13 trillion dollars of wealth, or purchasing power, stolen from every man woman and child in American, as well as, children yet to be born.


Officially, the Federal Reserve target for inflation is 2%. That means that the Govement is stealing at least 2% of everyone’s earnings via inflation. This is rampant theft!


Milton Friedman once said, "Inflation is taxation without legislation".


Every penny of wealth stolen through inflation has been done by a collective of private banks called the Federal Reserve.


This private banking cartel has willfully and intentionally inflated our currency knowing that they were stealing our wealth in a manner that both violates Article 10 of the Constitution and without the knowledge or consent of the American people. This means that every penny stolen by inflation is wealth that has been acquired by fraud.


Washington and Wall Street insiders have understood this since the inception of the Federal Reserve in 1913. And, because it has become so easy to defraud Americans of their wealth in the manner, not only is the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve based on fraud, but now the business model on Wall Street is based on profiting from this fraud, and government policy in Washington is based on benefiting from the perpetuation of this fraud.


In situations of inflation or deflation, the Halachah regards the currency as being stable and everything else as fluctuating. So if one borrows, for example, $100, one pays back $100, even if there was deflation in the interim and the $100 has more buying power than it did at the time of the loan. If, however one borrows anything other than currency, e.g. food, goods etc. there is a concern that in the interim there may be inflation, and the goods will increase in value, so that if one repaid the same amount of goods one would actually be paying interest. For example, if one borrowed a kilo of flour from a neighbor, and returned it a week later, and in the interim the price of flour increased, returning a kilo of flour would entail repaying the loan with something that is worth more than the original loan, which involves the prohibition of paying interest.


Therefore, in general Chazal prohibited lending anything other than currency, for fear that the value may increase before the repayment of the loan.



Retail Theft


Currently, people can be charged with federal theft crimes only if the stolen goods are worth $5,000 or more in a single instance. 


In the United States we have multiple states which permit retail theft as long as it does not exceed $1000, or so.


California has been the poster child for this controversy, raising its threshold in 2014 via Proposition 47, a ballot measure bankrolled by Democratic megadonor George Soros. After its passage, theft of items under $950 could only be prosecuted as a misdemeanor, if prosecuted at all.


In several cities, the district attorney dismissed most retail theft cases. 


The Torah presents seven mitzvot for non-Jews toobserve. These seven laws are the pillars of human civilization, and are named the "Seven Laws of Noach", since all humans are descended from Noach...

As explained in the Talmud,[21] they are:


1) Do not murder.

2) Do not steal.

3) Do not worship false gods.

4) Do not be sexually immoral.

5) Do not eat a limb removed from a live animal.

6) Do not curse God.

7) Set up courts and bring offenders to justice.


Maimonides explains that any human being who faithfully observes these laws earns a proper place in heaven.



Bathrooms for all genders


Allowing public bathrooms to be shared by males and females is creating such an unsafe space that folks would rather not use these public spaces. It is criminal that we allow bathroms to be shared by both genders, especially for our young people.



Massive Homelessness


The number of homeless people living in RVs, camps and on city sidewalks has grown to such proportions that they are a massive shame for the governments that permit this travesty. Instead of punishing these lawbreakers we provide incentives for them to continue their bad behavior.



Illegal Drugs


We are legalizing illegal drugs and providing the tools that drug addicts need to continue their addiction. These addicts are stealing and assaulting people in order to acquire illegal drugs.



Illegal Aliens


Many western nations have destroyed the borders to their countries in order to allow illegal aliens to invade their countries. These illegals are bringing massive amounts of disease, drugs, and bad behaviors into their new host countries. They are demanding that their needs and desires be taken care of by the country that they have invaded.


Hardworking Americans are forking over taxpayer-funded housing, luxury meals, and healthcare for illegal immigrants in some cities.


While American workers deal with crushing inflation for necessities like food, some illegal aliens receive up to $64 worth of meals – per day.


Believe it or not this is really happening.


CBS News Boston reports that some illegal aliens are receiving gilded $16 breakfasts, $17 lunches, and $31 dinners. This happening while veterans and citizens are homeless and begging for food. What a travesty!



UBI – Universal Basic Income


Several states are experimenting with giving people in their jurisdictions a UBI. They are giving them money for no productive work. You can collect money and play video games all day. This money is coming from the taxes of productive workers. What a travesty!





The western world used to be religious and to have a fear of God. They went to churches, synagogues, and other place of worship on a regular basis. They demonstrated that they fear God by obeying God’s commands and acting with integrity. Now, we no longer see such behavior. Folks no longer go to houses of worship. They no longer talk about God and they no longer allow God into their businesses, schools, and places of justice.


God and His Torah have been removed from GICs[22] and and courthouses. We are told that speaking about the things of HaShem is devisive and should never be brought up in a conversation. This the exact opposite of HaShem’s desire. He wants us to put Him front and center in every aspect of our lives.



Israel vs the World


As Palestinians continue to slaughter Jews around the world, so also are many organizations supportin the Palesinians and and advocating for their benefit.


The UN, for example, advocates for a cease fire whenever a mass slaughter of Jews take place. As soon as the Jews retaliate and defend themselves, immediately the UN and govements around the world start pressuring Israel to stop defending themselves. Every other country can defend themselves, but not Israel. Somehow the slaughter of Israelis and Jews is always justified by the evil nations.


The UN is now declaring that Hamas is an ‘idea’, and you cannot kill an idea. They are using this to pressure Israel to cease its war against Hamas and to let these murderous thugs survive to repeatedly slaughter Israelis. These Palestinians are a death cult wich kills others even at the expense of their own lives. They are an open manifestation of the evil of Amalek.





By race, by gender, by political party, economic status, Jew vs. Gentile, etc. are destroying the unity that is required if we want to draw near to HaShem. The second Temple was destroyed because of baseless hatred and we are, in many ways, worse to day. Baseless hatred is destroying our justice system.



2030 Target


Shifts in the way we live and work, our politics and culture, and our time on Earth add up to the most massive disruption in human history ...




2030 Agenda of the UN


Targets of the goals of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda are set for 2030.










Real Estate collapse


Western nations – muslimized

Ukraine war


Decentralized servers – peer to peer

Banking system becomes bitcoin



Growing your own food

Global debt

Woke cult – LGBTQ+













This study was written by

Rabbi Dr. Hillel ben David (Greg Killian).

Comments may be submitted to:


Rabbi Dr. Greg Killian

12210 Luckey Summit

San Antonio, TX 78252


Internet address:  gkilli@aol.com

Web page:  https://www.betemunah.org/


(360) 918-2905


Return to The WATCHMAN home page

Send comments to Greg Killian at his email address: gkilli@aol.com


[1] Tikkun/Tikun/Tiqqun (תיקון) is a Hebrew word meaning “repairing” or “fixing”. Tikkun olam means to do something with the world that will not only fix any damage, but also improve upon it.

[2] Torat Menachem Hitvaaduyot 5751a p. 237.

[3] A mensch, in Yiddish, is a person of integrity, morality, dignity, with a sense of what is right and responsible.

[4] A yeshiva is a traditional Jewish school devoted chiefly to the study of rabbinic literature and the Talmud. a school run by Orthodox Jews for children of primary school age, providing both religious and secular instruction.

[5] GICs = Government Indoctrination Centers – AKA public schools.

[6] By Paul Craig Roberts

[7] For a discussion on the liability of the physician and the government for damages incurred during vaccination, see Yigal Shafran, “Halakhic Attitudes Toward Immunization,” Tradition 26:1 (Fall 1991): 4-13

[8] https://www.jewishdatabank.org/content/upload/bjdb/2021_COVID-19_Vaccine_Survey_Survey_Verbatim_Comments_(Nishma-Hatzalah,_June)_.pdf

[9] Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
For reprints, please set the canonical link back to the original 
Brownstone Institute Article and Author.

[10] In his comments on Shemot (Exodus) 15:25.

[11] DH v'Ganaz Sefer Refuot

[12] Sefer Refuot – The Book of Cures

[13] Chizkiyahu feared that those who used the Book of Cures would come to believe that they can circumvent nature and rely on magical cures, and their reliance on HaShem would be diminished. Even though "anything used for medicinal purposes is not considered to be the way of idolaters" (Shabbat 77a), when Chizkiyahu saw that people tended to attribute power to forces other than Hashem, he hid the book.

[14] Pesachim 56a

[15] World Health Organization (WHO)

[16] Bereshit (Genesis) 6:13

[17] Bereshit (Genesis) 6:13

[18] Yehezchel (Ezekiel) VII, 11.

[19] Bereshit (Genesis) 6:7f. The first verse indicates that God's regret in the first instance extended to all, Noah included, but that a special exception was made in his favour.

[20] Rashi to Beresit (Genesis) 6:11

[21] Sanhedrin 58b

[22] GICs = Government Indoctrination Centers – AKA public schools.