
Trump and Jerusalem

By Rabbi Dr. Hillel ben David (Greg Killian)




This paper is based on a shiur given by Rabbi Isser Z Weisberg on November 26, 2020. The goal of this shiur was to show that President Donald Trump will yet succeed in being reelected.


Jerusalem must be given to the Jewish people.


Gog from Magog wants to take Jerusalem from the Jewish people.


Zechariah 12:4-6 In that day, saith HaShem, I will smite every horse with bewilderment, and his rider with madness; and I will open Mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the peoples with blindness. 5 And the chiefs of Judah shall say in their heart: 'The inhabitants of Jerusalem are my strength through HaShem of hosts their God.' 6 In that day will I make the chiefs of Judah like a pan of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire among sheaves; and they shall devour all the peoples round about, on the right hand and on the left; and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem.


Nations will gather against Jerusalem. Jerusalem will remain on its site in Jerusalem. Cannot make Jerusalem someplace else. Arafat proposed moving Jerusalem somewhere else.


Crush the power of Iran by eliminating the nuclear capabilities.


One of the supports for that "drop dead" year of 2022 or 5782 (G-d forbid) is that that year is precisely 1335 years AFTER the laying of the Cornerstone for the Dome of the Rock in 687ce (4447), which some have characterized as the Abomination that makes Desolate over the Foundation Stone of the World in Daniel 12.


Daniel 12:11-12 And from the time that the continual burnt-offering shall be taken away, and the detestable thing that causes appalment set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. 12 Happy is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.


1,290 and 1,335 Days


Dome of the rock was completed in 692AM +1290 and 1335 (1982 – 2027). Rebbi was Mashiach ben Yosef.


Zechariah 12:10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplication; and they shall look unto Me because they have thrust him through; and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his first-born.


Does not live to complete the redemption. Ben David resurrects ben Yosef. They then work together.


Debarim (Deuteronomy) 31:18 And I will totally hide (הַסְתֵּ֨ר אַסְתִּ֤יר) My face on that day, because of all the evil they have committed, when they turned to other deities.


Commenting on Daniel 7:25, Rashi calculates the expression "a time and times and half a time" to mean the same 1335 years that are mentioned later, in 12:12. He derives this from the gematria of "haster astir" (הַסְתֵּ֨ר אַסְתִּ֤יר) ("I shall surely hide [My face]"), which is 1336, as well as from a calculation of the "times:" The first "time" lasted 480 years, from the Exodus from Egypt until the First Temple was built (see Melakhim I 6:1); the second "time" lasted 410 years, from the completion of the Temple until its destruction. To this Rashi adds half of the sum of these two times, which is his understanding of the expression "half a time." The sum of the two "times" = 890 years, plus half of that (445) = 1335. Rashi counts these years from the cessation of the continual offering (6 years prior to the Destruction) and once again arrives at the year 5157 (3822+1335).


הַסְתֵּ֨ר = 5 + 60 + 400 + 200 = 665


אַסְתִּ֤יר =  1 + 60 + 400 + 10 + 200 = 671


671 + 665 = 1336


 I will totally hide my face Haster haster =1335.


Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High; and he shall think to change the seasons and the law; and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time.


And again in:


Daniel 12:7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, when he lifted up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and swore by Him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and a half; and when they have made an end of breaking in pieces the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.


Time, times, and half a time.


Time:  480 years from Egypt to Temple.

Times:  410 years of the first temple.

Times:  420 years of the second temple.


Total for ‘time’ and ‘times’ = 480 + 410 + 420 =1310


Half a time = 1310 /2 = 655


Total for ‘time’, ‘times’, and ‘half a time’ =

1310 + 655 = 1965


We start counting the years of ‘time, times, and half a time’ 6 years before the Bet HaMikdash was destroyed in 69AD (3829AM), because the sacrifices were stopped in 62AD (3823AM)). So…


62AD + 1965 years = 2027AD This is the ‘final date’ for Mashiach to complete His tasks.


Now we see that the code of Daniel 7:25 and Daniel 12:7 both point to 2027AD (5788AM).



There is a second code which allows a great deal of information to be hidden in plain site and to convey much more that the text itself. Lets use this idea to examine the ONLY text in the Torah which specks of the in-gathering of the Bne Israel into Eretz Israel.


Debarim (Deuteronomy) 30:3 that then HaShem thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the peoples, whither HaShem thy God hath scattered thee.


Counting from Genesis 1:1 till Deuteronomy 30:3, there are 5708 pesukim. In 5708 (1948) Jews began returning to Israel when the nation of Israel was created.


There is only one other place in the Torah where we find language similar to the language we find at the end of Daniel. First let’s look at the language opf Daniel:


Daniel 12:9 And he said: 'Go thy way, Daniel; for the words are shut up and sealed (וַחֲתֻמִים) till the time of the end.


Now notice the similar language found in the Torah:


Debarim (Deuteronomy) 32:34 Is not this laid up in store with Me, sealed (חָתוּם) up in My treasuries?


5787 pesukim from Genesis 1:1 brings us to Debarim 32:34. If we see the 5787 as an Anno Mundo date, then we are at 5787AM which is 2027AD. This is when Mashiach will gather all of the Jews back to Israel.


Four different sources in Chazal teach that Mashiach will come back earlier in 2025AD. This means that if we have to wait for Donald trump to be re-elected in 2024, and inaugurated on January 20, 2025, then we will not have enough time for him to destroy Iran’s nuclear capability. We will also not have enough time to restore all of Jerusalem back to the Jews.


The Ramban is the first of the four sources. His book, Sefer HaGeula (the Book of Redemption)


The Mashiach will not come any later than 40 years after Daniel’s 1290 years. It will take an additional five years to build the third Beit HaMikdash, and brings back all of the Jews to the land of Israel, and establishes His kingdom. This points us to 2022AD (5783AM) for the appearance of the Mashiach.


The next of our four sources is from Rabbi Lozer haKalil. The Mashiach will come six weeks of years (42 years) after 1290. This brings us to 2024AD (5784AM). This is the latest time for the arrival of Mashiach.


The third of our four sources is from the Gaon of Vilna.[1] The Gra quotes the following passage to substantiate the Mashiach will come before the very end.


Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 60:22 The smallest shall become a thousand, and the least a mighty nation; I HaShem will hasten it in its time (before the very end).


The Gra does not say how much sooner, but if we chop off 10% of the 456 years between 1290 and 1335. This brings us to the year 2022AD (5782AM). The Gra indicates that the redemption will come in Nisan, when Chazal teach that the redemption is to take place.


The fourth source is mention twice in the Talmud Bavli. In Sanhedrin 97a and Megillah 17.


Sanhedrin 97a Our Rabbis taught: in the seven year cycle at the end of which the son of David will come-in the first year, this verse will be fulfilled: And I will cause it to rain upon one city and cause it not to rain upon another city;[2] in the second, the arrows of hunger will be sent forth;[3] in the third, a great famine, in the course of which men, women, and children, pious men and saints[4] will die, and the Torah will be forgotten by its students; in the fourth, partial plenty;[5] in the fifth, great plenty, when men will eat, drink and rejoice, and the Torah will return to its disciples; in the sixth, [Heavenly] sounds;[6] in the seventh, wars; and at the conclusion of the septennate the son of David will come.


Megillah 17b What was their reason for mentioning redemption in the seventh blessing?[7] Raba replied: Because they [Israel] are destined to be redeemed in the seventh year [of the coming of the Messiah],[8] therefore the mention of redemption was placed in the seventh blessing. But a Master has said, ‘In the sixth year will be thunderings, in the seventh wars, at the end of the seventh the son of David will come’? — War is also the beginning of redemption.


These sources teach that the Mashiach is destined to come in the year after the shmita year. Now, the next shmita year is 5782AM (2023AD).


Is it possible that resident Donald Trump can accomplish the return of Jerusalem and the destruction of the nuclear capabilities of Iran in the next 60 days? If so, then he does not need a second term.


Bereshit (Genesis) 36:43 Duke Magdiel, duke Iram: these be the dukes of Edom, according to their habitations in the land of their possession: he is Esau the father of the Edomites.


Both Magdiel and Iram refer to Rome.


The tenth and last chief (or his place) is called Magdiel and Rashi tells us that it is Rome. The Roman Empire was the height of Esav’s power. The Gur Aryeh explains that Rome was given the name Magdiel because of the great heights Esav was raised to during the reign of Rome. He adds that the name Rome in Hebrew itself means the heights from the word “hitromemut”. Those heights gave Esav the power to oppose us during this exile of Rome in an especially cruel and vicious way. The Gur Aryeh tells us, in the name of the Midrash, that Alluf Iram, the one that follows Magdiel, is also Rome.[9] The present exile is referred to as the exile of Edom for the Romans, who destroyed the Holy Temple marking the commencement of exile, descended from Edom.


The exile in Edom is divided into two eras, governed by the above two kinds of leaders. Magdiel (lit., "he magnifies himself above every god"): In this first era, the Roman empire expanded throughout the world, seeking to overpower Judaism and make it difficult for Jews to observe Torah. Iram (from the Hebrew "to amass [treasures for the royal Mashiach]": This second era is the one close to the Messianic Era, when Rome will no longer oppress the Jewish people but will submit to holiness and even assist Mashiach. Rome will then realize the literal meaning of its name, related to the word "hitromemut" – exaltation, i.e., the exaltation of holiness.


Midrash Rabbah - Genesis 83:4 The chief of Iram - Why was he called Iram? Because he is destined to empty out his treasury [to give to] the King Mashiach.


It seems fitting that President Trump should be given the honor of amassing treasures for the rebuilding of the Temple. We would certainly agree that Joe Biden is completely undeserving of such an honor.


Magdiel is the bad side of Esav and Iram is the good side of Esav.


Trump is the good side of Esav. Chazal teach that the good side of Esav will pile up treasures for the rebuilding of the Temple.


Alluf Iram has the numerical value of 437. Donald J. Trump has the same numerical value of 437.




Because of the shortness of time, President Donald Trump will need to stay in the office of President in order to accomplish the destruction of Iran, the complete restoration of Jerusalem to the Jews, and the final preparation for the Mashiach.


Pray that HaShem perform miracles in order to correct the chillul HaShem[10] caused by the wicked of this generation.





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This study was written by

Rabbi Dr. Hillel ben David (Greg Killian).

Comments may be submitted to:


Rabbi Dr. Greg Killian

12210 Luckey Summit

San Antonio, TX 78252


Internet address:  gkilli@aol.com

Web page:  https://www.betemunah.org/


(360) 918-2905


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Send comments to Greg Killian at his email address: gkilli@aol.com


[1] Elijah ben Solomon Zalman

[2] Amos 4:7

[3] I.e., not actual famine, but the first signs thereof, no one being completely satisfied.

[4] Lit., ‘men on whose behalf miracles occur.’ — Jast.

[5] Lit., ‘plenty and no plenty’.

[6] Either Heavenly voices announcing the advent of Messiah, or the blasts of the great Shofar; cf. Isaiah 27:13.

[7] Concluding, ‘Blessed art thou, O Lord, who redeemest Israel’.

[8] Sanhedrin 97a.

[9] Rome is the name given to the habitation of the descendants of Esav. See the last Rashi on Vayishlach

[10] In Judaism, a chillul hashem (Hebrew: חילול השם‎) is an act that violates the prohibition in the Torah of desecrating (chillul) the name (hashem) of God. A chillul hashem occurs when a Jew acts immorally in the presence of others, either Jews or Gentiles.